ISOkromatic ISOkromatic


They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. What are you saying?

Welcome to ISOkromatic!

My name is Kegan Antone and I am a passionate storyteller. I love to travel, cook, experience new people and cultures, and create. I am an actor, model, casual observer, foodie, and enjoy the outdoors. I consider myself a jack of all trades, but at the core, I am a storyteller.

As a child, I was fascinated by taking pictures and making videos. Throughout my life, I have met many people, visited many places, and had many experiences. Everyone has a unique perspective and my passion lies in capturing and sharing these differences.

My goal with ISOkromatic is to help you tell your story. The way you want to. Whether it is through photography, editing, creative direction, or consultation, I am here to help you create something truly unique. Reach out and let us help you tell your story.